Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Invitation Declaration: It just needed to be said

While I have a hard time paying $10-20 for a wedding magazine, I still managed to ignore the unethical amount I paid for the 3-4 big ones I purchased. The latest one I bought about 2-3 weeks ago from While flipping through it, I marked pages that I liked and wrote down ideas that certain articles/pictures had given me, and I came across an ad for a printing company that I'd never heard of before. While we knew the basics of what we wanted and could afford for invitations, save-the-dates, etc., we hadn't settled on a design or where we were purchasing from.

Normally, articles for wedding-related materials in magazines (especially invitations!) turn out to be WAAAAAAY beyond our budget. Originally, the bill for our invitations was going to be around $300-400 for what we need to do. Again, not quite as budget-friendly as we had hoped for. Since we are having our wedding and reception on two separate days, and the wedding only has room for half the people we are inviting, we needed to make two seperate kinds of invitations: One for JUST the reception, and one for the wedding with a reception card.

Can you say "YUCK!!"??

So back to this article I had seen: I decided, "What the heck" and went to their website ( I went and found an ADORABLE cherry blossom invitation base I liked. So, I input all the information and made different invitations like I previously stated we needed to do. Went through all the steps and went all the way up to the very end when you put your credit card info in.

Can you guess what the price turned out to be??

I knew right then and there, obviously, we had found the company we were going to be ordering from whenever we set the dates in stone. And you know what else was absolutely thrilling?? TODAY I got an email from them and ended up getting SIXTY FREE save-the-dates!! No joke... COMPLETELY free! Didn't pay tax, shipping, ANYTHING. It even bumped up my shipping from their 12-14 day to 7 day shipping... FREE!


My advice on them? USE THEM!!! They have a nice variety of different invitations (not only for weddings, but for any occassion really) and are all reasonably priced. For those of us on seriously tight budgets, like Alex and I, this company is a SERIOUS MONEY SAVER!

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