Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I've hit a dry spell

Well, when it comes to planning the wedding, I have. It's exactly 1 year until we say "I do", and I can't focus or come up with money for the wedding to save my life. Our savings are quickly drying up, and the early glow of being newly engaged and full of expectations has warn off. I've been looking at ways to downsize our wedding and reception. We even decided we aren't moving. I greatly dislike our apartment, but in the long run, what's another year of our life in this place really??

Anywho, that being said, I HAVE put together my bouquet and toss bouquet. Both are made from artificial flowers and I am quite pleased with both. My bouquet for the ceremony I think is, in my HUMBLE opinion, ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!! And my toss bouquet is quite playful and spunky. It looks cheap and fake but who cares? Some lucky girl will be catching it and throwing it away later anyway, so why not make it the bare minimum?

Lets see if you can tell the difference between the two!! *insert smile here*

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