Friday, May 28, 2010

New wedding date

Soooo, originally it was going to be April 28, 2011 (thursday) and the reception would take place saturday the 30th, but then we just decided to have it all on Saturday the 30th. However, due to all the stresses piling up at once as I forsee them doing, I spoke to Alex briefly and we've collectively decided to change our wedding date.... again. As of right now, it will either be the last week of March or the first weekend in April of 2011.

We had planned on taking a honeymoon almost immediately after the wedding in hopes that my mom would fly out a few days before the wedding and then stay for a week or so AFTER the wedding to watch Landon. Again, this is another idea that isn't in motion so much as in thought. However, our lease is up May 25, and since we dedicated another year to this crap-tastic apartment we live in, we promised ourselves come hell or high water that we WERE going to move out next year as our wedding present to each other... hopefully purchasing a home. However, to do this we decided it would be easier to use the money from our gifts as well as our income tax rebate next year. And it also means we would have to give our month notice of vacating the premises by April 25... which would be very hard to figure out the last few days of a wedding, find a new place to live, go on a honeymoon and then come home to pack up all of our stuff and run off to a new home.


Anyway, I will post later when we decide on something. Not that anything is concrete yet because we STILL haven't put money down on anything.......... I hate being poor some days. I love and enjoy the simple things in life for sure, and I love my family and I feel VERY blessed to be in the position we are in right now overall..... but DAMN do I hate money always being an issue =(

Oh well =) Off to brainstorming some more......

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So forget everything I said on the rings...

While we have Alex's ring purchased and the credit card completely paid off, I no longer have ANY rings for myself. At all. As in my engagement ring AND the ring Alex and Landon got me for my 21st birthday present. Where did they go, you ask??

If only I could be certain... but my mommy-instinct screams at me saying my son flushed them down the toilet. Ohhhhhhhh Landon... my dear, sweet helpful two year old... You always keep us on our toes and I don't know where we would be without your helping hand every step of the way.

We turned our entire apartment upsidedown on more than one occasion in the last month to no avail. Those rings are literally nowhere. *LE SIGH*

The good news is that Alex has given me permission to go ahead and pick out a new engagement ring/wedding ring set... however while we can easily rack up another credit card bill, I would MUCH rather wait until we could just put the money forth on it. This too will come in time. And anyways, in the meantime I am FULLY enjoying window shopping!!! It's SOOOOOO much fun!!

In a previous post I had posted about some recycled materials rings from a seller on Etsy named SingleBbeautiful, but have since been told by Alex that he absolutely cannot stand the sight of them. It made me laugh but I figured half of the money we put forward on new rings for me will be his so I'd like him to like my bling just the same as I do.... well, at least a little bit =)